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- Babs- Living the DreamJanuary 19, 2021 - 7:21 pm
BABS Living The Dream (an excerpt from a new novel) Babs is a 16-year-old Pug/Dachshund mix. She’s my road dog, one tough old girl. We have been through a lot together. She flew with me here to the Keys. Her full name was Babushka Adeline Lane Sue Horton. She will answer to Babs, Babsy, […]
- Hell’s LibraryMarch 5, 2019 - 9:36 pm
Tennessee Williams Short Story Writing Competition I did this. Hell’s Library by Susan L. York 3678 words There’s an old story I used to know The memory of which was recently awakened A tune, a scene, a fragrance maybe, reminding A fragrance, a smell, an aroma An essence Pages […]
And so it begins…
/in This & That /by Susan YorkAll She Wrote, a novel by author & artist Susan York
Here we go! I’m launching this new site (still in initial stages) along with the release of my novel, “All She Wrote”. I am busting with excitement!! This book was inspired when a dear client of mine suddenly passed away after a deadly brain tumor diagnosis. She left behind two young daughters. My own daughter, Kylie, was only eight years old and I couldn’t imagine leaving her to be raised by others. It took five years to write this novel and another five to get to the point where you can hold it in your hands. Read an excerpt & order here. And most of all, thank you for reading this if not also my book. My first post on my blog!!! 🙂