Random things

Born In November Cplus & Woody ROCK STAR Photography

Born In November is comprised of Cplus and Woody also known as Clifton Johnson and Zack Andrew. This two man band from the Oklahoma City area draws crowds all over the country. They are living their dream traveling and making music. Just this week they were featured on Oklahoma Live (watch).

Their new album Born In November 1310 will be released, appropriately, November 23, 2013. Both Clif and Zack were born in November. Zack on the 13th, Clif on the 10th. Clever cats. It was a pleasure to go behind the scenes and photograph them during a recent recording session.

Here are a few photos from our May 2013 shoot.

Born In November


CPLUS, Born In November


Woody, Born In November


Born In November

Born In November

Born In November


Cplus, Born In November,


Cplus, Woody, Born In November


Cplus Live, Born In November

This is my jam

Woody, Born In November

Stick It!


paper scissors ROCK Wedding Photography

ROCK wins! Wedding photography is not my favorite gig but editing wedding photos IS! I’ve had so much fun with this sweet family. Shelley Herriot Epely married Chad Meisenburg October 6 in their gorgeous new back yard. I had the absolute pleasure of shooting the experience. I had a blast too. Champagne!!!

My friendship with Shelley goes back 25 years or so. I was only 12 when we met, I won’t divulge her age ; ). We were close neighbors for nearly a year and I’ve grown to love her girls and her new family. It has been a pleasure being in their home and entertaining them in mine. Even though they moved to a new neighborhood recently I expect we will stay close.

Chad and Shelley and their six kids are a sweet and savory mix, each with their own personality and sense of humor. Chad blows my mind with his patience and fun parenting style, but mostly by his love for Shelley. Love is alive and it lives in Yukon Ok. It’s wonderful how they’ve made their Brady Family blend so well and they look good together I might add. Here are a few fun photos that kind of sum up the Epenburgs.

The young'uns

The young’uns


I’m having too much fun with this.


Surrounded by morons


Ten Six Twenty Thirteen


Poor Tank, he misses me.




The look on his face.

The look on his face.




This is my second wedding shoot.

Oh September! Photography is Booming!!!

Oh September! What a month for photography. I survived and thrived, I’m thrilled to report. Thanks to friends, family and fans “All She Wrote” has sold nearly one hundred copies. The reviews have been very positive. Thank you for supporting my work folks. I knew my baby wasn’t ugly. It can be difficult putting your work out for everyone to critique. Maybe that’s why it took ten years to complete the process.

My art world has also exploded this year. I’m made many new contacts and have been invited to participate in several art shows. Friends Helping Friends and Art House happened within a week of each other and I snuck in a trip to Southeastern Oklahoma during that time. I took my grandson along for the ride to visit my nephews and great-nephew. All my favorite boys in one place. What a treat for me. It was an honor to sign books for family and friends down there.

Photography hasn’t been slow either. During that visit I did an iPhone photo shoot of Braylen, my great-nephew. I became utterly smitten with him. I had fun editing these. What a sugar pie.




The Baker’s A Day in the Life shoot, is in the bag as well. I find myself getting more and more creative in editing. Kris Baker and Crystal Baker are fun to work with. Here are a few of my favorites.


Susan York Photography

Bakers kisses


Susan York Photography

Baker Love




Bakers light house

Vicki’s Surprise 80th Birthday party was loads of fun.  Ann Hadrava gathered dozens of friends and family to celebrate her amazing mom’s special day. What a group of ladies. It was an honor to be there and to record such an event. I’ve asked Vicki for an interview and photo shoot for a new project I’m starting soon.


Susan York Photographer

3 generations of amazing ladies



Tomorrow I have a wedding shoot with Shelley and Chad and their families. I’m very excited to be a part of their special day.



Nine and a half Months

Wow! What a whirl wind we just owned. Let me recap. In about nine and a half months Kylie, the dogs and I moved from our home to our rental home. That was a tough transition. Four months later she turned 18 years old. A month after that Kylie graduated high school while working overtime and she had straight A’s. Three months later she’s loving college and her new job at The Greens CC and filling in at South Beach occasionally. She never ceases to amaze me.

In the meantime I’ve been busy working on some big career projects of my own. In the same 9 months I branched out in many areas of my creative interests. This website is evidence of that. I’m blown away by the changes we’ve made in this short time. Friends Helping Friends was the culmination of nearly a year’s work and the pinnacle event of my career to this point. Many many good friends came out in support of Joann Mears and me. Thank you so very much. I’ve gotten excellent feedback and we feel successful. Thank you to our sponsors!

Momentum is building, I feel an upturn and yet there is unfathomable suffering, corruption, fraud and disease seething to the top of many societies in the world. Debbie Downer I know. Maybe I’m just feeling very fortunate or blessed and I don’t feel guilty. I don’t feel guilty about not feeling guilty either. I’m going to stick with being fortunate and blessed. I hope for fortune and blessings on all of you as well. During times in life when we feel unfortunate or cursed, let’s look back to now and smile knowing we survived and made the best of it.

I’m pleased to announce I accepted an invitation to show my art work at Art House. This is a swanky shindig. Next Tuesday evening- a beautiful home, art, wine and food. Yes Please!!! I’ll be there, how about you?

Save the date, November 14, 2013 Oklahoma’s Best Art, Wine and Food at Oklahoma Bar Association weekend. I will be there with my art work and books for viewing and sales. Bring your check book ; ).

Look for the new events page coming soon.

Artist at Large Smiling Out Loud

Spent the couple days doing art work. I’m pleased with the progress. A few pieces are finished and signed and I’m really feeling it with several others. In only 7 days I’ll be hanging art and signing books at Friends Bar. September 22, 2013 is my big day. 

Last December I felt lead to expand my career. Publishing “All She Wrote” has been a long term goal for me. Ten years in the making and yet it feels like perfect timing. A good friend recently told me I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be. We had a long conversation about it and I like his perspective on it. Life has taken a lovely upswing and I’m excited to share all that’s happening. 

Ten months later my book is available for sale and my biggest art show yet, is a week away. I’m smiling out loud. Here are some pieces I’m working on for Friends Helping Friends. These and many more will be available for purchase.


Photo on wall board mixed medi


Photo on canvas mixed media



Photo on canvas


mixed media

I’m sincerely looking forward to seeing new and old friends next Sunday at Friends Bar. We will also be raising funds for Hope Academy, an adolescent girls program geared to provide a holistic approach to relationship education and life skills training that will develop participants into leaders. The local non-profit organization is making a positive impact in Oklahoma City. I’m very excited to see this program grow and will be helping with the mentorship program Pretty Popular Powerful.

This is where my heart is and when I was asked to participate it felt like a natural progression. I will be traveling and speaking to women and girls to help inspire and empower the leaders of our future. It’s very exciting and humbling that my fears and failures and hopes and successes can help transform other people into positive thinking, pro active citizens.

Let’s Do This